Third-grade students had the opportunity to spend two days at Chincoteague Bay Field Station, where they learned about marine life for their ocean animals projects. During their time at Chincoteague, they were taught how dunes are formed and how to strengthen them. They also explored the intertidal zone and discovered various creatures such as shrimp, snails, and crayfish. Additionally, they attended two classes where they learned about maritime forests and observed different organisms.
Hear Me Roar! A Show About Being Heard & Scene is in full effect, as 6th grade prepares for their public performances on May 17 & 18 at 7 PM. The show follows the true story of 6 characters, who identify as she/her (Beyonce, Madonna, Raquelle, Juliet, Ruth Wakefield & Frisk), and are picked to live in a house and have their lives recorded to find out what happens when women get real, supporting each other along the way. Sound familiar? If you were alive in the '90s and watched MTV, you will recognize this as the promo for the Real World. The students will stage a production much like a streaming TV reality show (with each individual character spotlighted in each episode) for a total of 6 short episodes, co-produced, co-written and performed by our fabulous 6th grade!
On a beautiful, sunny February afternoon, with lingering clumps of wet snow still on the ground from a recent snowfall, I sat down to share a mug of hot tea and some memories with our friend and PMFS icon, Frumi Cohen, whose 40-year Plymouth career left an indelible impact on our community, and to learn more about her post-PMFS creative journey.